We often find when we visit the blog someone wearing the tab menu, which is a menu that uses tabs to display wisget-widget that is placed on...
Best SEO Blogger Template Download
Best SEO Blogger Template Blogspot templates are very SEO Friendly. Evidently there are a lot of improvement when using this template in ju...
Script Auto BackLinks
This script is used to get 70 backlinks automatically (if it could add another list.) Sipan is a *. php script and then upload to your host...
Hide the Ads from BOT / Spider
This script is used to display ads on browsers that recognize it. thus, you can hide the ads from BOT / Spider php code: The script ...
Installing Widgets For Free Sms
For visitors more comfortable in our blog, then we should be given the facilities that can make them come back to our blog, one of them by i...
Auto Readmore Script on Blogspot
To be able to make auto readmoe in blogger, we need not require a plugin, just like in Wordpress, which is a skill needed edit-edit themes /...
Display Posts in Title Only in Blogger
Indeed, some bloggers choose only shows the title of his blog posts are on the front page or home page. Perhaps the rationale of the owner o...
Change Background Web with JavaScript
Changing the background color of the website with the help of javascript. Before that, I'll give a little understanding of javascript. ...
Disable Browser Back Button using Javascript
Sometimes it becomes a habit some people more often use the back button to return to the previous page. Is it good? For some cases it is n...
Robots.txt For Some CMS
Robots.txt is a text file that we place on our website to inform the search robots not to visit or index certain pages on our site. There ...